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If you are like a lot of people you have been looking for a way to make some extra money, and online internet marketing is a good place to start. The internet is reaching near 100% saturation, which means most people in the United States now have internet access within their homes, and this number is steadily increasing around the world. What that means for you is there is now even more potential customers available at the touch of a button. If this sounds promising to you, here are a few tips and tools to get you started.

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A website is not absolutely necessary, however if you truly want to make it in the online marketing business it is a good idea. Your first order of business is to purchase an appropriate domain name. Consider your niche and compose a name that adequately represents the product or service you will be providing. There are several online tools you can use to choose the best domain names; some are free while others carry a nominal fee.

Once you have an appropriate name you will need to build your website. This can be done fairly easily and some domain registrars even offer builders for a small fee when you buy your domain. However, if you have the capital  available you would be well served to hire a professional web designer.


What if you do not have a particular product or service you want to promote? You can still make money through online marketing. There are many different affiliate programs available today. Think about a product or service you currently use or enjoy, chances are there is an affiliate program for that business. Do you have satellite television? Both of the major players in this market have affiliate programs you can sign up for, then use your internet skills to promote the product and earn a percentage of the profits.

Advertising Dollars

Perhaps you do not have a product to sell, nor do you want to promote someone else's, is there a way for you to make money? You bet! Many experts in their fields make comfortable incomes by developing a website based on their expertise and then earning residual income by allowing advertising on their site. For example, perhaps you make the best peach pie in four states; build your site with recipes, tips and more then sign up for AdSense or a similar program. Your content will draw a variety of different Google ads and when visitors click on them, you will earn a small profit.


These are just a few tips for beginning your online marketing career. The thing you should know is there are many different ways to begin earning real money through marketing. Before you buy into any one program or tool really think about what you enjoy, where your passion lies and what you feel comfortable promoting. If you do not believe in the product or service, you will not put in the time and effort it requires to make the business successful.

online internet marketing